Academy High School

As a school committed to excellence, Academy High School strives to provide a balanced, incomparable, and challenging program based on measurable standards and rigorous assessment, in a safe andmotivating environment to enhance our students' thinking and inquiry skills.


The curriculum we adopt at our school in all departments (elementary, intermediate and secondary) are modern, well-designed, accredited and applied by the most advanced countries in education. Besides, we show desire and keenness to achieve all the objectives and competencies developed by " The Educational Center for Research and Development of the Lebanese Ministry of Education".
"A detailed description of each subject taught(English, arabic, Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, French, Social Studies, Civics, Geography, History, PE, Robotics, Computer, and Smart) along with the assessment system are posted below."

English Language, Mind and Robot Festival

English Language, Mind and Robot Festival

World's Key

المنصه الالكترونية المتخصصة في التدريب والتعليم عن بعد تتألف من ثلاثة اقسام:

طلاب معلمين مدراء


ويتضمن قسم الطلاب

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درس بالصوت والصورة سؤال تفاعلي
2,000 2,000
امتحان تفاعلي تمرين PDF